Every semester, it is the work you do to coach and support your Fellows that helps make the Semester in the City Program such a full and rich experience.

We hope that the resource documents that you find here will help answer your questions and give you the support you need to build and strengthen your mentorship skills.


Fall 2022 Mentor Orientation

Curious about the answers to the most common Mentor questions? Wondering about AmeriCorps rules and prohibited activities?

Reviewing these documents is a good place to start:

Resource Hub


Student Support Issues

Fellows come to the SITC Program with a wide range of professional, academic, and life experiences. They also may have issues that they are struggling with. These documents and videos outline strategies to help you handle the most common issues. They also describe our Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) process.

If you have any additional questions or would like to get in touch, please email Cory Clarke, Manager of Internships, at cory.clarke@collegeforsocialinnovation.org for more information.