Welcome to a New Kind of Classroom.

As a Social Innovation Fellow, you’ll take two courses taught by our staff. We prioritize reflection on your internship experiences, ensuring that you can integrate class practices to your practical work. Our classes are a key part of our holistic approach to experiential learning and internships: you’ll learn theory in class and put it to practice at your internship, maximizing your growth both inside and outside the classroom.

The homework load is between 3-5 hours per week on average. The classes are multidisciplinary, discussion-based, and are curated to help you get the most out of your internship and develop a deeper understanding of how to solve problems.

Social Innovator’s Toolbox

Weekly class on Wednesdays from 4-7pm.

The Social Innovator's Toolbox (SITB) course exposes students to the field of social innovation through case studies, short readings, interactive student-led work, crafting a three minute speech delivered at our Graduation Showcase, and facilitating small group discussions.

Through a series of field-tested assignments, or “deliverables”, students are introduced to and practice applying different concepts and methods from social innovation, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, nonprofit management, and social impact evaluation to their specific work in their internships.

Becoming a Problem Solver

Weekly class on Fridays from 9am - 12:30pm.

Becoming a Problem Solver (BAPS) is a hands-on course that builds the skills of students as change makers for social good. Fellows participate in skill-building and reflective workshops designed around our core skills of launching a purpose driven career, working in diverse teams, persuasive communication, and human centered problem solving.

Reflection plays a big role whether by journaling, through discussion in pairs and small groups, or by writing a culminating reflection essay. Fellows practice new concepts and skills every week and engage in team-based community research projects and develop their professional on-line profile and portfolio of work.

"This program has supported me for my future in ways that I could never have imagined. Having the opportunity to experience a workplace environment, firsthand, allows you to make valuable connections while developing critical professional skills."

Dominic Monteiro | Fall 2021 Cohort

Weekly Schedule

At Semester in the City, students follow a structured weekly schedule that combines hands-on internships with reflective learning.

These classes are designed to complement the internship experience, providing opportunities for practical application of learned concepts and facilitating meaningful discussions with peers and instructors. Together, these components create a robust learning environment that emphasizes both experience and reflection.

Learning Core Skills

During Semester in the City, we hope that students come away with growth in these 4 skill areas: Launching a purpose driven career, working in diverse teams, persuasive storytelling, human-centered problem solving.

Learn more about what you will gain in each of these areas here.

If you have any questions about the SITC classes or schedule, please email us at internships@collegeforsocialinnovation.org