Posts tagged UNH
Discovering What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

 Like any other college student, I dread when family members ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You’re told in high school that college is the time to study something you’re passionate about. For me, that was food: for as long as I can remember, I had worked at my father's pizza place, picked up back-of house jobs as a line cook and a baker, and taken charge of our family’s backyard garden. When it came time to choose my major, I decided to spend the next four years learning all there is to know about food–-- from when it’s grown on a farm to the moment it reaches your fork.  

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Returning to Campus After Semester in the City

I was a part of the Fall 2018 cohort and loved Semester in the City and my time in Boston so much. But today, I wanted to write a bit about my life beyond Boston. My favorite part of the program is how it is set up to allow college students to experience “the real world”. Semester in the City gives you a sample of being an independent adult because you typically go to your internship, come back home to your apartment, and cook dinner for yourself.

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